msgon == MouseUp Script == Movie: CD Maker:RA9/4 Frame: 366 Script: 97 Handler: exitFrame --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if == MouseDown Script --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if == Clickon Script for sprite: 46 == Script: 124 Handler: mouseUp --> puppetsprite 46, true --> set the locV of sprite 46 = -1000 --> end == MouseUp Script == Script: 97 Handler: exitFrame --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if == MouseDown Script --> if the timer > 60*8 then --> go the frame --> end if == Clickon Script for sprite: 45 == Script: 123 Handler: mouseUp --> TestBtn 8 == Script: MOVIESCRIPT Handler: TestBtn --> global Yearcat,RoundNum,NumOfPlayers,HiliteDest --> set the locV of sprite 46 = 139 --> updatestage --> puppetsprite 46, false --> set yearcat = YC == YearCat = 8 --> put "HL-" & Yearcat into HiliteDest == HiliteDest = "HL-8" --> if Yearcat = 8 then --> set roundNum = 3 == RoundNum = 3 --> put "PlayerCU" & NumOfPlayers into HiliteDest == HiliteDest = "PlayerCU4" --> WidePlayerSetup 33,"MN" == Script: MOVIESCRIPT Handler: WidePlayerSetup --> global CurPlayer,CurPlayerNum,NumOfPlayers,GoofsAllowed,CurName --> repeat with x = 1 to NumOfPlayers == x = 1 --> put x into SelInProg --this is updated for the SetPlayerLocX handler to work == SelInProg = 1 --> put StartSprite + x into mySprite == mySprite = 34 --> puppetsprite mysprite,true --> msg "MySprite" & mysprite == Script: tools Handler: msg --> global MTog --> if mTog = true then --> put mstring -- "MySprite34" --> else --> end if == Script: MOVIESCRIPT Handler: WidePlayerSetup --> put getaprop(PlayerList,x) into mPlayer == mPlayer = "Player1" --> put GetAProp(value(mPlayer),#Personality) into myCast == Script: 0 Handler: --> Player1